Lo Sguardo della Luna is the second original show written, directed and performed by Edoardo.
It follows the romance between Giulio, a prostitute living in a brothel in the Ancient Rome, and Valerio, a young man disowned by his family. Ottavio, the brothel owner, has always been in love with Giulio and will try to split the two lovers up. Thanks to the help of the Moon and the stars projecting Giulio and Valerio’s shadows in the back of the brothel’s yard the lovers will be able to trick Ottavio, escape the bordello and begin a new life together.
The tale is entirely narrated in poetry by the Moon (performed by Edoardo) and the star Andromeda, supported by the dance of other stars and the three characters of the story and the original songs. A harsh story dealing with prostitution and queer empowerment meets the delicacy of the Moon’s verses and the melodies of the piano.